Frequently asked questions about downloading Envato Elements

Is it possible to have unlimited downloads?

This is not possible because Envato’s official website says unlimited downloads, but if you download frequently or too many downloads in one day it will result in being limited. I once purchased an account that was restricted because of too many downloads and ended up getting banned, appealed to get it back but ended up getting a refund straight away.

The wait time is too long, is it possible to shorten it?

The wait time will be adjusted according to the current number of downloads and the interval between downloads, as frequent downloads can lead to account restriction.

Do I have an account that I can offer to share with you?

You can provide accounts for sharing, or if you have your own website you can allow users to browse your website and then jump to the download link.

How to contact me?

Can I share my account password directly?

Unlimited sharing can easily lead to account disabling. So can’t share account passwords or cookies directly, you can find many accounts that used to be shared with cookies are not available anymore.

Is it possible to remove or minimize the ads on the webpage?

Although ads are displayed on the webpage, the revenue is not as much as the cost of purchasing an account. There are a lot of advertisements on it, and there are not many clicks, and the revenue from displaying them is very little, but it’s better than nothing.

The more you download, the more steps you have to verify?

Can’t offer unlimited downloads, but can’t limit them too little, so now came up with the idea that the more downloads the more verification pages. What was limited to 3 an hour now allows 8 downloads an hour, but more than 3 will require multiple verification.

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